
【外.融嘉年華】6.23 添馬公園免費戶外瑜珈班、手繪、人像攝影


2019-06-11 | HK01





6月23日( 星期日 ),隱形香港於中環添馬公園舉辦「外‧融嘉年華」,顧名思義,就是與外傭共融 !


菲傭攝影師 人像攝影活動 中午12至下午4時



印度指甲花手繪工作坊  中午12至下午3時

另外,我們邀請了菲傭藝術團體Guhit Kulay十多位熱愛藝術的菲傭,以及一位擅長人像素描及印度指甲花手繪的印傭Pratiwi,為大人細路免費做彩繪、印度指甲花手繪。


戶外瑜珈課程 下午3至4時

兩位香港女生Donna 及Yentl 經常於添馬公園教授外傭瑜珈,活動當天,她除了會教授外傭瑜珈之外,也會免費教授《香港01》會員瑜珈。

6月23日大家一起來添馬公園學瑜珈,洗滌心靈。There will be a free community yoga session opens for HK01 readers and domestic helpers. (Photo Credit: Yoga with Donna)

【 活動詳情 】

日期 | 2019 年 6 月 23 日 (星期日)

時間 | 中午12時- 下午4時

地點 | 中環添馬公園

費用 | 全免

查詢電郵 | [email protected] / [email protected]




【隱形opinion】因歧視推動外傭共融 黑妹被厭棄:我唔同菲傭玩

【隱藏人物】是外傭也是記者 Arista:我們都有夢想

團體創「白恩逢之家」 為滯留香港的外傭撐起一片瓦遮頭

活動當天,我們邀請了一位印尼傭工免費替大家繪畫印度彩繪。There will be a free henna tattoo workshop hosted by an Indonesian artist Pratiwi. (Photo Credit: Pratiwi W S)






有關Guhit Kulay

Guhit Kulay是一個由菲傭組成的藝術團體,鼓勵一群對藝術有興趣的外傭於假日發展對藝術的興趣,以藝術滋潤心靈,支撐生活和工作。



有關Pratiwi W S

Pratiwi 是一位印尼傭工,因為自幼家貧,父母反對她發展藝術興趣。2011年來到香港,她每周假日都在圖書館裏自研人像素描,她特別鍾情繪畫小朋友與老人的人像,她認為他們的眼神總反映出純真。她又自研印度彩繪的技術,盼能有天能開辦展覽。


有關 Donna and Yentl

Donna 跟隨瑜珈大師 Dr Yoganath Andiappan學習,並完成200小時瑜珈導師培訓。她深信瑜珈讓人達至身心靈內外平衝,而且是一項屬於所有人的運動。她另一位瑜珈導師朋友Yentl更主動提出二人合力義教外傭瑜珈。


隱形香港與Lensational合作,邀請一群醉心攝影的外傭免費為香港家庭及其傭工拍攝家庭照。HK realism invites a group of helpers from Lensational who turns to be a photographer to take photos for all households. Please come with your housekeeper for a family photo.

Join the Helpers Appreciation Carnival in Tamar Park on 23 June 2019 (Sunday)!

380,000 foreign domestic helpers working in ten thousands of Hong Kong families, are responsible to take care of children, elderly, people with special care needs. Not only are they helpers but also caregivers sharing the burden of  local households. According to a recent study, foreign domestic workers contribute HK$98.9 billion to the city’s economy, making up 3.9% of the GDP.

Despite the exploitation, abuse, discrimination, sexual harassment as seen in most of the media coverage,  there is no way for them to express and their voice usually cannot be heard. However, many Hong Kong people turn a blind eye and not take the matter further.

Everyday, when we are striving for justice for ourselves and the society, have we ever thought of building an integrative working and living environment for the foreign domestic helpers?

Understanding is the key for striving for justice.

On 23rd of June,  all of the HK Realism members sincerely invite you to join the carnival which promotes respect, fair-treatment and mutual understanding. We would like to enjoy a picnic day with you and the helpers.


【 Carnival Details 】


Date: 23 June 2019 (Sunday)

Time: 12noon-4pm

Location: Tamar Park, Central, Hong Kong

Fee: Free


【 Carnival Activities 】

12noon - 4pm | Free photo shooting by Lensational Organisation photographers

12noon - 2pm | Free hand drawing workshop by Guhit Kulay

| Free Henna Tattoo workshop by Pratiwi W S

3 - 4pm | Free Yoga Class by Donna and Yentl

About the Guests:


About Lensational

Lensational is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run organisation dedicated to training and promoting the next generation of women photographers from the developing world. All revenues from photograph sales go directly back to the photographer and to the programmes supporting her.

Website: https://photos.lensational.org/about


About Guhit Kulay

Guhit Kulay is a group of Filipino migrant artists set up in 2017 simply to explore their abilities in arts and also serves as a support group for interested individuals.

Website: https://bit.ly/2WB71NW


About Pratiwi W S

Pratiwi is an Indonesian helper and came to Hong Kong in 2011 to overcome the poverty. She said, “ When I was young, we cannot afford to buy any drawing tools. “ She then reads and practices portrait sketching every week in library. And she starts learning henna tattoo by watching Youtube tutorials two years ago.


About Donna and Yentl

Donna trained with one of the most accomplished yoga masters today (Dr Yoganath Andiappan) and she completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training at International Yoga Academy. Donna teaches Hatha Yoga, Core and Arm Yoga, Back Care Yoga, Restorative Yoga and more in group, corporate and private settings in Hong Kong. Her friend, Yentl, suggests to organize a community yoga session for domestic helpers at weekend in Tamar Park.

Website: https://bit.ly/2MD4xdf


【 條款及聲明 】
1. 免責聲明 : 參加者須為個人身體及財物安全負責,如有任何損傷,隱形香港恕不負責。

2. 如遇惡劣天氣或突發事故,而令活動不適宜於原定地點進行,活動將改於Art is a Tree(地址︰中環荷李活道171號2樓)舉行,最新消息將於隱形香港Facebook專頁發布。
3. 隱形香港保留更改活動內容/場地的權利,所有消息以隱形香港Facebook專頁公布為準。​​


【 Terms and Disclaimer 】

1. All the participants should be responsible with their personal and property safety. If there is any damage, HK Realism will not take the responsibility.

2. If bad weather or unexpected incident occurs 1 hour before the event starts or during the event, we will move to Art is a Tree (Address: 2/F, 171 Hollywood Road, Central). Notice will be posted on HK Realism Facebook Page.

3. HK Realism has the right to change the activity details and location, all the information subject to the post on HK Realism Facebook page.



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    Room 602, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong


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    (852) 3943 9525 / 3943 9628 / 3943 1649

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    (852) 2994 4363

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    [email protected]

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