Xingergy Environmental and Energy Technologies
Environmental Sustainability

The basics of survival – food, water, and shelter, are no longer enough for modern society. Innumerous innovations now provide the average family with a life unimaginable to previous generations. Except one basic need – waste management. Landfills, man’s only solution to waste for thousands of years, are no longer viable. Air, soil, and water pollution from landfills is killing thousands, while ruining crops and waterways. Burning waste produces even more pollution. Meanwhile, limited natural resources are being consumed by an increasingly resource hungry and growing population. The world, led by China, discards over 200 million tons of waste every year and is now facing an unprecedented waste crisis.
Xingergy Environmental and Energy Technologies is bridging the gap between waste and resources, reforming waste into usable resources, without polluting. Imagine a city with no landfills and clean renewable energy. To accomplish this, Xingergy is developing microwave plasma gasification – a process whereby chemical bonds in waste are broken apart using very high heat plasma, reforming waste from many complex compounds into a few useful, simple compounds and elements. The process:
• Reforms organic material into an energy rich gas.
• Reforms inorganic material into a vitrified non-leaching slag, a commercially useful product.
• Recovers metals.
• Remediates hazardous materials such as coal fly ash, asbestos, radioactive, and nuclear waste.
A refinery can be small, specializing in previously unrecyclable waste. Or very large, processing several thousand tons
of municipal solid waste daily while providing over 4MW of baseline power per 100 tons. Visit us at
Team Leader
WONG Chi Man Alex (CUHK)
Team Member
HUEN Yin Fan Denis (HKU)
Faculty Advisor
Prof. Yeung YAM (CUHK)