Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the deadline?
The enrolment deadline is 30 October 2024 (Wed) at 23:59:59. Upon successful enrolment, you will be entitled to our Training Workshop which you will be instructed with knowledge to help you prepare your First Round documents. The submission deadline for First Round documents is 13 November 2024 (Wed) at 23:59:59. Late submission will NOT be accepted. You are strongly advised to submit earlier to avoid network congestion.
Can I write the plan in English and present in Chinese at Semi-Final and Grand Final stage?
Yes, if you think it helps you to express your idea better.
What is the format of the executive summary and appendix?
It should be saved in PDF format, and written in either English or Chinese. You are encouraged to use the “Summary Template” as the prescribed form for submission of First Round documents.
What should be the name of my submission file?
Please combine all the documents to one PDF file and rename your submission file to the format “Team ID.pdf”. For example, if your team number is 24-00999, your submission file should be named as “24-00999.pdf”.
How can I submit the First Round documents?
All documents must be submitted through HKSEC Web Platform.
Can I change my project name?
Yes. You may finalize your project name no later than Team Confirmation Form submission after you have been shortlisted as the Semi Final Team. Please send a notification to regarding such a change.
Can I add / change team members?
Yes. You may add, reduce, or replace team members with no more than 50% changes in original team composition before Team Confirmation Form submission.
Is it compulsory to have Faculty Advisor? What should I do if all our teammates are graduated?
Yes, it is compulsory. For graduated contestants, you may find your previous professor / lecturer / instructor / staff of the incubation programme of the tertiary institution as your Faculty Advisor.
What are the duties of a Faculty Advisor?
The Faculty Advisor serves to confirm the eligibility of the team members and the integrity of their business plan. Ideally they should be a staff of the tertiary institution (e.g. Professor, lecturer, instructor, staff of the incubation programme at tertiary institution), who may advise the team on idea inception, venture plan development, conducting market research, recruiting strategic partners, etc.
Is it necessary for a Faculty Advisor to be a Professor?
No. You may also find your lecturer / instructor / staff of the incubation programme at tertiary institution to be your Faculty Advisor.
How can I submit the Faculty Advisor form?
You may login to the online platform to download the Faculty Advisor form. Please submit the completed form via the platform or send it to on or before 13 November 2024 (Wed). However, if you still cannot find a Faculty Advisor for your group before deadline, you may submit the First Round documents first and submit the Faculty Advisor form later.
Does my plan need to be technology related?