HKSEC Academy: A Brief Introduction To Impact Investing
HKSEC Academy: A Brief Introduction To Impact Investing
HKSEC Academy 致力支持 HKSEC 校友及其他年輕社會創新者的成長和專業發展。在這一系列 12 場網上研討會中,參加者能加深對金融科技、社會效益量度及氣候變化等廣泛主題的理解。這些知識及技能將進一步為他們日後的社會創新及創業之旅作好準備。
第八場網上研討會 “HKSEC Academy: A Brief Introduction To Impact Investing” 將於2022年8月9日17:30 – 18:15透過Zoom形式進行,由香港南豐作坊聯席總監盧家恩Cintia主持。全球各地都有不同投資者進行影響力投資,以加強資本力量。甚麼是影響力投資?為什麼它對社會企業十分重要? 影響力投資與 ESG又有何關係? 如果你想了解更多有關這次主題,請把握機會,立即報名參加!
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第八場網上研討會:A Brief Introduction To Impact Investing
日期:2022年8月9日 (星期二)
時間:17:30 – 18:15
盧家恩 | 香港南豐作坊聯席總監
Cintia Nunes is the Co-Director of The Mills Fabrica and focuses on leading Fabrica to become the go-to platform for sustainability, impact and innovation in the techstyle (technology x lifestyle) and agrifood tech space.
Prior to joining Fabrica, Cintia worked in strategy, insights and marketing at Procter & Gamble where she focused on consumer behavioral assessment and formalizing business strategies for more than 10 brands in Hong Kong and Taiwan. She then pivoted to startups and became the Hong Kong Market Lead at Grana, a Series A online fashion start-up where she helped drive brand awareness, customer acquisition, retail and customer experience. Subsequently, she joined Dream Impact as the Chief of Strategy & Growth, where she helped to pivot their business model and soon became one of the prominent social impact ecosystem builders in Hong Kong through advocacy, bridging of resources and strategic partnerships.
With strong passion in driving social impact and systemic change, she is a strong advocate in cross-sector collaborations and has supported numerous social businesses in their growth strategies and social innovation competitions as judge, mentor and advisor. She holds a BSc Economics degree from the University College London.