
HKSEC Academy: The Importance of Mentoring in Social Entrepreneurship

HKSEC Academy 致力支持 HKSEC 校友及其他年輕社會創新者的成長和專業發展。在這一系列 12 場網上研討會中,參加者能加深對金融科技、社會效益量度及氣候變化等廣泛主題的理解。這些知識及技能將進一步為他們日後的社會創新及創業之旅作好準備。

第十一場網上研討會 “The Importance of Mentoring in Social Entrepreneurship” 將於2022年9月27日17:30 – 18:15透過Zoom形式進行,由社聯社會企業商務中心首席顧問凌浩雲教授,MH及Mealingful 聯合創辦人陳彥彤主持。

在社會創業之旅中,導師指導對於年輕社會企業家十分重要。然而,我們甚少有機會探討導師和學員之間的關係。 是次研討會將以 Mealingful(HKSEC 2019-20 冠軍隊伍之一)作例子,兩位講者將分享他們作為導師和學員的難忘經歷,以及導師指導如何為創業之旅增值。如果你想了解更多有關這次主題,請把握機會,立即報名參加!

我們期望在研討會中與各位見面 ! 請按此登記 : 
▶▶ https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/mycuform/view.php?id=1553746

第十一場網上研討會:A Brief Introduction To Impact Investing

日期:2022年9月27日 (星期二)
時間:17:30 – 18:15


凌浩雲教授,MH | 社聯社會企業商務中心首席顧問
Howard Ling is the Chief Consultant of HKCSS Social Enterprise Business Centre (SEBC), and the Professor of Practice at Baptist University. Howard began his social entrepreneurial journey in 2004. He founded and consulted over 50 social enterprises such as Artificial Intelligence and Social Intelligence Alliance, Bijas, Direction Association for the Handicapped Social Enterprise, Chinese Opera for Children, Angelchild factory, Actplus Animation, and Full Sky Technology. He also serves as a consultant or advisor to many foundations, and education institutions in Hong Kong and Macau. He was awarded the Medal of Honour (MH) by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and the Hong Kong Humanity Award in 2017 for his dedicated public and community services, particularly his contributions to the development of social enterprises.

陳彥彤 | Mealingful 聯合創辦人
Mealingful的宗旨是「Make every meal meaningful」,透過提供軟餐訂購以及送餐上門服務,致力為長者提供精緻膳食,維護長者尊嚴並提升生活質素;同時透過不同的教育活動提升公眾及照顧者對吞嚥困難及軟餐的認知,減低照顧者負擔。


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