HKSEC Academy: Blue is the New Green – Coral Conservation and Climate Change
HKSEC Academy: Blue is the New Green – Coral Conservation and Climate Change
HKSEC Academy 致力支持 HKSEC 校友及其他年輕社會創新者的成長和專業發展。在這一系列 12 場網上研討會中,參加者能加深對金融科技、社會效益量度及氣候變化等廣泛主題的理解。這些知識及技能將進一步為他們日後的社會創新及創業之旅作好準備。
第六場網上研討會 “HKSEC Academy: Blue is the New Green – Coral Conservation and Climate Change” 將於2022年7月19日17:30 – 18:15透過Zoom形式進行,由香港中文大學生命科學學院崔佩怡研究助理教授主持。珊瑚礁不僅在海洋生態系統中發揮著重要作用,而且與氣候變化息息相關。如果你有興趣了解更多有關珊瑚礁如何幫助應對氣候變化、珊瑚保護的重要性及其對人類的意義,請把握機會,立即報名參加!
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第六場網上研討會:Blue is the New Green – Coral Conservation and Climate Change
日期:2022年7月19日 (星期二)
時間:17:30 – 18:15
崔佩怡教授 | 香港中文大學生命科學學院研究助理教授
Dr. Apple Chui is a Research Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research addresses two main questions: “How will projected future climate change affect corals that are currently present in marginal coral environments like Hong Kong?” and “Can we enhance the resilience of corals and use them for restoration?”.
Apart from research, Dr. Chui has been actively engaged in public outreach and education activities on marine and coral conservation in Hong Kong. In 2019, she officially launched an outreach programme “Coral Academy” (, to raise students’ and public’s awareness and inspire actions in marine conservation. Dr. Chui is a PEW marine fellow and a recipient of the GGEF Women Eco Game Changer Awards – Eco star of China in 2019.