
InnoSpire Technology



InnoSpire Technology Limited is a social enterprise dedicated to using technology to provide visual assistance for elderly and visually impaired people. (We are also an incubatee under the Incu-App programme of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.) Currently, we are developing the FIRST smart glasses in the world that can provide human+AI visual support to visually impaired people/elderly. Firstly, for our smart glasses, an elderly or visually impaired user can wear them like normal eyeglasses, and our backend staff combined with AI can see things from the viewpoint of the user and provide instant support. For our second main product is a mobile app that connects visually impaired people and elderly people to volunteers. When the visually impaired person needs help, they can make a call and a group of volunteers will receive call notifications. Then, the first volunteer who takes the call will be connected to the visually impaired user and can provide real-time video call support to the users in need. By using our smart glasses or mobile app, the user can be supported by backend staff and or volunteers. Furthermore, by providing visual assistance to users in their daily lives, it will improve social inclusion and their standard of living. 組長 Team Leader 岑仲欣 SHUM Chung Yan (The Hong Kong Management Association) 組員 Team Member 蕭啟穎博士 Dr. SIU Kai Wing (Hong Kong College of Engineering) 陳致祥 CHAN Che Cheung (PolyU) 吳志康 NG Chi Hong (HKU) 院校顧問 ​Faculty Advisor 鄧日朗 TANG Laurence Yat Long (HKU) Website techinnospire.com/  


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    (852) 3943 9525 / 3943 9628 / 3943 1649

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    (852) 2994 4363

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