Founded in Hong Kong, JAPJAP Zero Waste is a social enterprise that provides a decentralised, community-based sustainable (‘Cradle-to-Cradle’) solution to domestic food waste using innovative bio-recycling technology. JAPJAP Zero Waste’s central mission is to help individuals and institutions be part of a better solution to Hong Kong’s growing food waste crisis and the problem of toxic landfill sites. Users can adopt a more sustainable method of food waste disposal via JAPJAP’s bio-recycling system.
Operating both as a self-service and fully-automated green biotechnology system, JAPJAP bio-recycling stations make use of black soldier flies that live in a modular stacking system using upcycled pallets. Black soldier flies can significantly help JAPJAP’s bio-recycling system in reducing food waste due to their ability to eat many kinds of food, hence minimising the need for harmful carbon-emitting landfill sites across Hong Kong. JAPJAP stations employ an innovative Environmental Monitoring Mechanism technology (patent filed) for self-maintenance of its operation, ensuring optimal environmental conditions (including humidity and temperature) for the efficient processing of food waste by black soldier flies. Useful by-products (e.g. fertilizer and bio-diesel) from the JAPJAP system can also be further commercialised for multiple sectors which will better promote Hong Kong as a carbon-neutral green city.
As a concept that centres around promoting sustainable ways of living, the JAPJAP project carries with it an educative role. Partnering with schools offering STEM (i.e. science and technology) specialisation, JAPJAP also engages in public outreach with hopes of fostering co-creation with Hong Kong’s youth, thereby encouraging them to be part of the sustainable living movement through innovation.
Team Leader
CHAN Man Wai (PolyU)
Team Member
LEE Kin Wai (PolyU)
Faculty Advisor
Prof. PAN Hung Bing (PolyU)