HKSEC 2021-22 開幕典禮
HKSEC 2021-22 開幕典禮
HKSEC 2021-22 開幕典禮
日期: | 9月18日(星期六) |
時間: | 14:30 – 17:00 |
語言: | 廣東話及英話 |
14:30 | 登記 |
14:45 | 歡迎辭 中大創業研究中心副主任吳頴鋒博士 |
14:48 | 開幕辭 香港特別行政區政府民政事務局副局長陳積志先生, JP |
14:50 | 啟動儀式 |
15:05 | HKSEC 2021-22 主題簡介 香港社會企業挑戰賽項目總監徐苑思博士 |
15:20 | 主題講座: Be Healthy, be fair 香港中文大學健康公平研究所鍾嘉麒博士 |
16:20 | HKSEC 2020-21 得獎者分享 |
Dr. Gary Chung is an epidemiologist that investigates health and nutritional issues through an equity lens. His research focuses primarily on how socioeconomic disadvantages (e.g., low education, poverty and deprivation) affect population health and health inequalities from a life-course perspective. In addition to health-related quality of life, he is particularly interested in the socioeconomic patterning of obesity and cardiometabolic diseases, and more recently, of the extent of transmission and clinical severity of COVID-19. Awarded with the Research Grants Council Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme 2021/22, Dr. Chung is currently serving as the Postdoctoral Fellow at the CUHK Institute of Health Equity.